Tuesday 9 April 2013

More memories

At the retreat I can also remember dancing (with Paula Robins) to (Reach Out) I'll Be There by the Four Tops.  It was a 45 record that we played over and over.  I recall the short sheeting of the beds and I am sure someone got caught with "cigarettes"! 

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Does anyone have any more photos?
Just been talking to Bomma about the retreat we went to with Richard Mann. To celebrate Mass, we all sat around sheets on the floor (which you can see in the photos). They were strewn with flowers and I think we broke real bread. Afterwards we all danced to I Can't Get No Satisfaction by The Stones and lots of other songs played really loud. Not exactly the meditative silence you think of when you hear the word retreat. The whole thing was such a powerful experience, but when we came back to school brimming with excitement and stories about what happened, the nuns were absolutely horrified. They probably thought we'd all gone completely feral and maybe they were right. I'm sure we were a lot harder to control after that.
Fabulous photos, Bomma. Particularly liked the one of the escapee! Also, those pictures from our time with Richard Mann brought back lots of happy memories. I still have a number of letters from him.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

5 red with sister josephine

Remember the building site next to the school?  Builders with bodies!  Not much attention paid to math lessons as I recall.
Thanks for setting this up Bomma but I wish I could navigate it.  I seem to have lost some images I thought I posted.